Finding the Way Home

Finding the Way Home
Aly Indermühle
Materials: Commercial Runway Solar Lights, Timers
Dimensions: 1km
Concept Created for The Lorne Sculpture Biennale
Status: Unrealised

Finding the Way Home by Aly Indermuhle, addressed the theme of Landfall for the 2018 Lorne Sculpture Biennale by drawing attention to our earth and the environmental issues we face today. The illuminated line following the landscape captures our senses and focuses our attention to the land below our feet, our cradle, similar to the runway lights welcoming us home on a dark and foggy night, extending their visual song of “follow me home to safety”. This contrast of glaring technology built to keep us safe from harm explores the return to our interconnected selves in the environment, it is a voyage through poetry and aesthetics explored through the use of technology, language, and light.


Sweet Dreams


The Rhythms of the Day