Mending Light | Light + Life| MDW 2020

Mending Light | Light + Life| Melbourne Design Week 2020
Aly Indermühle
Materials: 24k Gold Gilding on Aluminium Frame, LEDs, Microcomputing
Dimensions: 1m H x 1.6m W x .15m D

Mending Light draws inspiration from the serene moments of each sunrise and sunset, which serve as reminders of the cyclical nature of life. Within the delicate light of the artwork, we witness the passage of a beautiful day, highlighting that even in times of deep pain and hardship, there is always the promise of a new beginning, represented by the dawn, and an ending, symbolized by sunset.

Mending Light seeks to convey the therapeutic properties of time itself, encapsulating the idea that the passage of time can be a catalyst for personal growth and emotional restoration. The artwork harnesses the intrinsic beauty of the daily cycle to evoke a sense of calm and hope in the viewer. Its mesmerizing light colour cycle, which runs for 3 minutes and 33 seconds, adds an element of dynamic meditative movement to the piece, enhancing its visual impact.

It is a captivating light artwork that embodies the concept of healing and renewal. Its dimensions are 1 meter in height, 1.6 meters in width, and 0.15 meters in depth. The artwork is constructed from a sturdy aluminium frame adorned with 24k gold gilding, lending it a touch of elegance and opulence. LEDs and microcomputing components are integrated within the structure that brings the piece to life.

This artwork debuted in the Light + Light exhibition during NGV's Melbourne Design Week in 2020. By being showcased within this context, Mending Light joined a collection of light-based artworks that aimed to explore the interplay between illumination, design, and artistic expression.

The Light+Life Exhibition featured immersive light-based installations that engaged visitors in a multi-sensory journey. A group of eight artists and designers harnessing design capabilities to produce light-based artworks, exploring how light affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally, Light+Life examines new ways of design thinking, employing the immaterial into shape and form and exploring paths to illuminate ideas.

Light + Life Artists: Aly Indermühle, Ilan El, James Tapscott, Veronica Caven Aldous, Dani Storm, Jasmine Morgan Ryan, Mathew Woodgate, and Marc Pascal


Made of This

